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Three Must Read Books with Monica Part 1

Books breathe life into me on my weekends and at the end of a long work day. Nothing feels better than putting my problems aside and diving into a good book that will challenge the way I think. And without a doubt there are books that have shaped my view as a doctor, as a leader, and as a person.

Here, I'll share 3 books that I couldn't put down for very different reasons (+ a bonus book!).

#1: The MUST READ book of the year

Everything that you have ever felt and needed explained in your life is here in this book. I don't know how that's possible, but Glennon did it. You'll feel alive after you read it! In Untamed, Glennon artfully reminds us that there is nothing more fulfilling than letting go of other's expectations of your life and becoming who you are meant to be.

Untamed is one of those books where you finish each chapter dying to talk it over with someone to express how much you love it.

My colleague Dr. Johnson and I were reading it at the same time by coincidence last year and when we found out we were both reading it, we could barely get the words out of our mouth fast enough to talk about how much we loved it! (For the record, this is the book she keeps loaning out and recommending to all her friends too.) So, again, if there is one book I am recommending in 2020, this is the one.

When to read Untamed: if you are feeling lost or uncertain. OR you are just looking for THAT book that you don't want to put down.

#2: The book that will make you a better doctor

The fear of avoidable errors keeps every veterinarian and doctor I know up at night. One of the things that gives me relief is this book. Human surgeon and author Atul Gawande takes you through various points in history where avoidable failures and huge successes have occurred and explains to you through a story why each of them happened. Throughout the book, he advocates for the most simple yet effective method of avoiding these failures that we can use (though many of us are not!): the checklist.

This book inspired our team at the hospital to develop an anesthesia checklist that our team fills out for each patient because it doesn't matter how well your team functions...If you work without checklists, you open yourself up to the possibility of more error.

This is a MUST read for any veterinarian that plans on practicing in the clinical setting and is a great pick for anyone who works at a clinic that has a mini-book club.

When to read The Checklist Manifesto: if you are on a mission to become the best vet you can be. If you want to encourage change at your practice and are looking for concrete ways to better patient care. Fair warning, you will be pumped and inspired after this book.

#3: The book to focus your life

Both Ashley and I have really busy lives. Between our full time jobs as vets, leadership roles at our clinics, Vets on the Rise, Senior Dog Revolution, and Southern Pet Vet...we have a lot on our plate! With multiple projects going on outside our work, the truth is that it can lead to overwhelm (and has).

During one particular point for us last August, Ashley and I had been spending every waking hour writing and editing and reformatting our book, the New Vet Jumpstart Guide. During the process, we found that we kept getting bombarded by life and hitting roadblocks.

Everything in our life seemed to be needing attention, and we found ourselves feeling overwhelmed and needing a break. During that time, I came across this book... which changed everything.

We decided to take two weeks off to decompress and I immersed myself in rest, time with friends, and reading this book. I realized that wanting to achieve my goals was important to me, but my goals were taking over my life. This book helped tremendously. This book is really about how the most successful people achieve their extraordinary results and how you implement that in your own life. And because of it, I was able to wrap my head around all of the things I had accumulated on my plate and what deserved my focus.

Who The One Thing is for: the Overachiever. The overwhelmed person that has WAY too much on their plate. The person that just wants more simplicity in their life.

Bonus Book for Entertainment and a Good Laugh

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

Not all reading needs to be for bettering yourself! Sometimes you just need to lose yourself in a quick witted, funny, romantic book, and here is one that had me laughing out loud many times. The witty banter and tension between the two main characters will keep you entertained. Couldn't put this one down at night. Enjoy friends.

Wishing you the most amazing week friends <3

Dr. Monica Tarantino, Vets on the Rise

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